May 19th, 2010 by Clark Humphrey

Corporate consultant Garland Pollard, at his Brandland USA blog, put out a list three years ago of “100 Brands To Bring Back.”

It has many fondly remembered names you might expect on such a list—Oldsmobile, Plymouth, Marshall Field’s (Pollard also wants the other Macyfied regional retailers brought back), Woolworth, Pan Am, Mutual Radio, GTE.

It’s also got at least a couple of clunkers. It’s way too early to get nostalgic over MCI, and I suspect few people would ever place trust in the Enron name again.

On more recent blog entries, Pollard has added his condolences toward Postum, Pontiac, and Continental Airlines, and expresses his fears toward the future of the Mars-acquired Life Savers.

One Response  
  • Art Marriott writes:
    May 19th, 20101:01 pmat


    It’s a pretty good list, but I’d take exception with a of a few of the recollections expressed by the author.

    To start with, I’ve known people in the coast guard and marine businesses, and the rave over Decca radar is unwarranted, They were cheap to buy, expensive to repair, unreliable and inaccurate.

    The inclusion of Hallicrafters is nice, but what about Hammarlund and National Radio? I read a piece by someone who tried to visit the factory of one of the three, and happened to get there just as they were closing. They had a crew taking all the remaining stock, parts and even all the documentation and tossing it out a second-story window into a dumpster.

    With Marshall Fields, on a local level it sure would be nice to have Frederick & Nelson back, but not with their sumbitch CEO who used to have the cops roust Richard Peterson right in front of the kids waiting in line to see Santa.

    Ramblers were OK, but had their flaws, one being absolutely horrible handling. Jason Bourne would surely have perished had he tried to drive one like he did that Mini.

    In broadcasting, how about bringing back Golden West Radio? Several Webcasters are now cheerfully running playlists and formats similar to what KVI was doing in the sixties.

    Finally, I can’t believe anyone would miss the passing of Eastern Airlines.

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